I read and attend several sermons lectures by Cpt Chris Plenkenpaul.
It was very interesting, he said people love themselves first..and they should say I love me rather I love you to the other person.
Because in reality when someone loves someone they feel so much high, passion and butterflies about that special someone that it gives them special Endorphin pleasure. So in reality they are enjoying the pleasure and attachment of being with that person.
It is precieved as if they love the other person. But in reality they are loving themselves first.
This concept is not very pop culture oriented and a lot of people specially snow flakes feel offended by this concept.
However in reality when you cannot love yourself first how can you live Someone else?
If you say to the other person I love me. What it means is that you are saying that you love the other person just like yourself. Like you love yourself and your body.
According to Selfish Gene theory we all want to take care of our needs and ourselves first for survival. And there is nothing wrong with it.
Marketing and media has sold this concept in twisted way such as NoteBook and other romantic comedies movies .
In real its loving yourself first.