Sunday, February 19, 2012

How Engineering Education shaped by mind ?

I was driving back home the other day, while listening to Chunk Swindle, and during his sermon he mentioned one thing and the whole audience laughed. He said, and...." probably if your husband is an engineer he would not understand poetry " . Rather than laughing at his point. I was taken back to some old memories, the days when a good friend of mine used to say always, that I am engineering student I am practical I would not understand the feelings of some one else .
I always used to get away with the discussion, by making the point that its just my friend's assumption and thinking. However , once now as of today when I got a reality check , the situation turned out be different .
If you have come this far while reading this post, then make sure and understand, that the experiences shard in this blog reflect author's personal views and do no reflect a result in general.

Now coming back to the topic ,how engineering can change a mind ? Well, lets face the facts. Engineering students are always forced to think from mathematical perspective, logical extension of ideas. Some times it is very hard to make humanities and arts majors to understand the ideas of engineering and vice versa.

This way of thinking en- forces the mind to cross verify any information whichever is fed to the brain . This attitude lets you doubt your faith, fellowship discussion even the teachings your parents taught you.

To be continued ...for the next post part 2