Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Preaching getting Personal ??

National Academy of Engineering has identified 14 grand challenges for Engineering in 21st century.
 One of them is Advance personalized learning.
 Now when we talk about learning and information,  its in every area of life.

 Religion and its penetration starts from  very early age , in some cultures . Learning about their faith and values start from childhood.  How can we exclude and separate  this theological learning from academic and social learning. Learning about your religion and its values is important,but the fact , every learner is different remains the same. Teachings and preaching about religion and sunday sermons have followed the same pattern over the years. Some kids will not learn about it ,the conventional way , compared to other kids.  
 More than ever, there is need for  new personalized and innovative approaches of learning  in religious sector as well.  One size fits all has been the norm in churches  for over centuries.
 Religion applies equally to everyone but , the call to act on your faith is different for each indiviual.
 Secondly, religious life is a personal experience, so its preaching and learning ought to be an advanced personalized learning platform too.
 There are challenges in this sector to bring changes  easily, specially when the topic is delicate. However Preaching to get personal is thought for the day !!.

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