Monday, May 28, 2018

The Power of Pulling from Both Sides

Failure and rejection is part and parcel of life. Everything has its own timing. My timing is not synchronized with your time and your timing is pre-mature than my timing. What people wanted from me long time ago, was a joke and manipulation. When I am ready then comes another allegation.

But still I write and express how to comprehend this for my own belief.  The best way to keep the balance and stay align in life is to pull from opposite directions. On one side I am so ready and want this but the train has departed already. On the other hand, I am so thankful for what my worth is.  Some people used me as an experimental / missionary project to feel highly of themselves by taking bet on a loser player because they wanted to show their own importance and empathetic skills. When they didn't get their own way, they tried to create havoc in their own way. Still I am calm and remember them as follows.

One Side: The Blinds Need Renewal

Exactly 5 years ago you made the whole house ready.
Helped me put out everything and fix all of it.
Now the house is here but the boss of the house is gone.
Things have been down the hill. I didn't always want this nor did you.
I wanted a better future together. I did wrong and made mistakes.
Time has gone by but these words and notes are a reminder for me for regrets I narrate.
I took everything for granted and never did future pacing to realize how it would be without you.
Life is still the same but you are gone.

Other Side:

The other side did not want to use me as an experiment or any missionary goals on me. However, I just found something different.

It takes courage to express your feelings and give them words

That's the power of pulling from the opposite direction. In between them is where I find my existence. Some people can manipulate you to get what they want while others just narrate what they feel. The power lies in pulling from the opposite directions. Some call it narcissism because that's all they can think of while in reality they know it is called confidence

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